University Honors Ranking Graduates and Gives Welcome-party to Freshers
In a celebration that was organized last Thursday, the University honored the ranking graduates of its different departments and gave a welcome party to the fresher students. Both Dr. Ahmed Saif, CBT, and Dr. Said Elaghalibi, the Rector, attended the event.
In his address, the Rector confirmed how such a celebration reflected the extent to which the University takes a great interest in encouraging its students and motivating them to be excellent.
He pointed out how the admission capacity was increased to meet the rising number of applying students. The existing labs were also supplied with new and up-to-date equipments so that students can gain the practical learning that qualifies them well to future careers.
For his part, Dr. Abdul Raqeeb Elhannani, Head of Nursing Dept at FMS, greeted the fresher students’ choice of Al-Nasser the decision that he considered as a testimonial to the University’s excellent education. Such a trust, according to him, will raise the teaching cadre’s moral towards more academic brilliance and motivate them to endow their students with the required knowledge and skills. He demanded the continuity of the current efforts whereupon the integral educational environment cultivates the students’ respect to humanitarian and social values as well as noble competition and scientific initiative.
Student Ahlam Elshaif, who delivered the speech on behalf of students, thanked the University’s administration represented by CPT and Rector for their constant support to the educational process and students. She, besides, expressed her and her colleagues’ great sense of appreciation to deans, heads of departments, and faculty members who save no effort to develop the students’ scientific and technical skills.
In addition to CBT and the Rector, the celebration was attended by the Secretary-General, Mr. Ali Elthaifani, deans of colleges, heads of departments, and a large number of students. Both Abdulghani Elotaibi and Anfal Elturki were the presenters throughout the celebration that consisted of a number of cultural shows, speeches, dances, and dramatic performances invoking the recent national issues.
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