Rector Inspects Progress of Second-Semester Classes
Escorted by Mr Ali El-Thaifani, the Secretary General, Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Rector, conducted a visit to the classrooms at FMS where he inspected the progress of the second academic semester that began this week.
He talked to students about the forthcoming activities scheduled by the University and the prerequisites of their implementation.
Students suggested a number of activities to be included in the cultural, sport, and scientific program which the University’s Administration sponsors annually to go in a complementary line with the educational process. It is noteworthy that the arrangements for the University’s annual sport league are going on.
The Rector, thereafter, held a meeting with the Heads of Laboratories and Nursing Departments in which he got briefed on the progress of the educational process. He could also identify the requirements needed by the above distinct departments especially as they witnessed a high turnout of enrolments.
Furthermore, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences was singled out by an increase in the number of classrooms and the recruitment of an experienced academic cadre. Such valuable additions certainly emphasize the attention paid by the University to improving the educational process so as to keep up with the renowned international universities.
FAS has already signed many agreements with foreign and local organizations whereupon a number of student training programs in human development are to be carried out.
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