NU Receives Hadramout University Pharmacy Student Delegate
A delegate of Pharmacy students from Hadramout University was received by Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor, during their visit to Al-Nasser University on Mon, 4 Sep 2023. The visit was arranged by Yemeni Pharmacy Student Club as part of its activities to promote knowledge exchange and communication amid Pharmacy students of the national universities and colleges. The present visit took place with the purpose of finding a ground for the scientific and research cooperation between Hadramout and Al-Nasser universities.
Giving a great welcome to the delegate, the Chancellor talked to them about the importance of such activities for enhancing the Pharmacy community. He also confirmed Al-Nasser’s pleasant will to improve the research and scientific cooperation with Hadramout University as well as to offer an aiding and appropriate environment that can provide students with learning, training and research opportunities.
The delegate was receiving upon arrival at the University’s headquarter by Dr. Hussein Albahji, the Vice Chancellor, Mr. Ali Ethayfani, Secretary General, Prof Omar Eshuja, Dean of Development and Quality Assurance Center, and Mr. Fathi Elokabi, Director of Student Affairs Office.
The visitors were taken on a tour to the class halls and labs at Building B in addition to the medical labs at Faculty of Dentistry which are equipped with the latest learning aids and devices. Moreover, a slide show introduced the students to the history of Al-Nasser University and the most prominent stages and achievements in the process of 17 years of its dedicated educational progress.
Hadramout University students then visited Faculty of Medical Science where they were received by Prof Abdulkareem Ezzumor, FMS Dean, Dr. Wafa Elmath-haji, Head of Pharmacy Department, Dr. Mohammed Eshahethi, Head of Community Health Department, and FMS staff members.
The visitors were also briefed on Al-Nasser’s achievements in the pharmacy field, namely the 1st and 2nd exhibitions of pharmaceutical production carried out by Pharmacy students. They, besides, had a look at the preparations for the forthcoming 3rd edition of the exhibition and then were escorted in a tour to the variable FMS class halls and labs.
For their part, the visitors appreciated Al-Nasser University and Pharmacy Department in particular. They pointed out that their choice of Al-Nasser to visit was due to its nationally good reputation and outstanding position. The visit would, they maintained, offer them a chance to have a close look at the University and get acquainted with its research and scientific activities and experiences as well. They looked forward to building an academic partnership with Al-Nasser University.
It is noteworthy that Pharmacy Department at Al-Nasser University is one of the best departments in which students are endowed with the educational and practical aids to gain the maximal knowledge during the college years. In addition, the department has many scientific activities and distinct initiatives such as: the academic and research cooperation memorandum with University of Malaya (UM) and the annual Pharmaceutical Production Exhibition by which students come up with pharmaceutical formulas based on scientific studies and in accordance with manufacturing standard tests under the supervision of faculty members experienced in pharmaceutical production.
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