Arrangements for Launching Aptech English
In his last visit to India, Dr. Mukhtar Alsurouri, Head of Aptech Centre, could meet and come to an agreement with Mr. Seetam, Director of Aptech International Institution whereby Al-Nasser has been licensed to start Aptech English Learning Academy, the program accredited by the British University of Middlesex.
The meeting was held at Aptech Headquarter, Mumbay, in the presence of Mr. Sathyea, the Academic Executive, the Technical Support Executive, and the Accountant. The meeting, besides, discussed: starting Aptech Arena program for Multimedia, Designs, and Directing TV programs; introducing new I T programs; some academic hindrances; and launching a new branch of Aptech at Taiz. Giving franchise to Al-Nasser to run Aptech English Learning Academy, however, was the central issue for immediate action. It is noteworthy that Aptech is an international institution offering applied education in Computer Science and English Language in addition to many programs of modern technology.
ندوة ثقافية بمناسبة عيد جمعة رجب تحت شعار “بهويتنا الايمانية ننتصر لقضيتنا الفلسطينية”
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الأثنين الـ 29 جماد الثاني 1446هـ الموافق 30 دي...