Al-Nasser University Opens Admission for 2020/2021
Based on the Prime Minister’s decree (Ref. 71/20202) about the general admission policy for the academic year 2020/2021, Al-Nasser University started on Monday, 20 July 2020, receiving the applications for admission to the various programs via the portal of Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Al-Nasser University is one of the most prominent private universities which has proved its merit and made a name in higher education. It offers an excellent educational service with which all of quality measures, practical learning, and the community needs are considered. It is also committed to upgrading the strategic plans of faculties along with the academic programs in accordance with the benchmarks of the Academic Accreditation Council.
Al-Nasser University comprised four faculties: Faculty of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sciences, Faculty of Administrative and Financial Studies, and Faculty of Humanities. The above faculties offer a number of distinct programs that can be accessed on the University’s website via the following link: .
ندوة ثقافية بمناسبة عيد جمعة رجب تحت شعار “بهويتنا الايمانية ننتصر لقضيتنا الفلسطينية”
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الأثنين الـ 29 جماد الثاني 1446هـ الموافق 30 دي...