Al-Nasser Organizes Charity Event for Cancer Patients
Organized by Laboratory Dept in conjunction with National Center for Tumor Therapy & National Foundation for Cancer Control, a cancer awareness-raising event took place along with a charity bazaar in support of cancer patients that had as its slogan “Lets replace the painful tear with a hopeful smile.”
Opening with the national anthem and Quran recitation, the event had its key speech delivered by Dr. Ibtisam El-Moa’yad (Head of Lab Dept & event coordinator). Dr. Ibtisam explained how organizing such an event aims chiefly to raise the public awareness over the various causes of cancer. It, besides, enhances the social solidarity through showing the feelings of sympathy as well as presenting the moral and material support for patients. She noted that many upcoming events to be held for the same purpose would follow on.
The Chancellor, Prof Abdullah Tahish, presented a paper which scientifically reviewed some of the main causes of cancer such as: Environemental pollution resulting from air pollution; using waste water for irritation in irrigation; improper use of world-banned pesticides for qat. He, moreover, remarked on a number of studies that tackle the present problems and give appropriate solutions.
Dr. Abdulwahab El-Nihmi (Vice-manager of National Center for Tumor Therapy & a tumor consultant) presented a short review on the disease. He cast the light on the evolution, symptoms, causes, threats, diagnosis, and how an early detection could raise the cure rate.
For his part, Mr. Salah El-Faqih (Representative of the National Foundation for Cancer Control) introduced the Foundation and defined the social role it played in raising the public awareness via its branches and the events it organizes in partnership with schools, universities and institutions. He invited attendees to visit so as to closely identify its voluntary activities.
In a humanitarian gesture, Al-Nasser donated YR 200,000 to cancer patients.
Dr Yasser El-Madhaji (Head of Pharmacy Dept) noted how by organizing such an event, the University confirms its indomitable commitment to community support as well as keenness at developing its students’ attitudes towards charity and humanitarian activities.
The event was held at FMS with a large number of participants including students, volunteers, academicians, and staff. The program contained several art and entertainment shows in addition to presenting honor certificates to organizers. The event concluded with a charity bazaar the proceeds of which went to cancer patients.
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