Al-Nasser Holds Final Workshops for Endorsing Specifications of Launched Academic Programs According to CAAQA Requirements
Under the auspices of Mr. Hussein Hazeb, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the final workshops for endorsing the specifications of the launched academic programs in accordance with the CAAQA’s requirements and standards was organized by Al-Nasser University on 18-19 May 2022. The launched programs include: Dentistry, Cybersecurity and Digital Investigation, Artificial Intelligence, Data Sciences, and Nutrition.
The workshops were held at Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science-Haddah in the presence of Mr. Hussein Hazeb (Minister of Higher Education), Prof Ali Sharaf-Eddeen (Vice Minister of Higher Education), Prof Abdullah Tahish (the Chancellor), Dr. Taha Zabarah (Deputy Minister of Telecommunications and Information Technology), Dr. Ghaleb Elqanes (Deputy Minister of Higher Education for Educational Affairs), Dr. Mohammed Dhaif-Allah (CAAQA Secretary General), Dr. Noaman Fairouz (CAAQA Director of Training and Quality), Mr. Mohammed Elwadei (Director of Education Institutions at Judicial Guardianship Office), and deans of faculties and heads of departments in addition to staff, faculty, and alumni members of Al-Nasser University.
Addressing the participants, Minister of Higher Education confirmed that completing the specifications of some new academic programs by Al-Nasser University is a positive indicator and a good step in the right direction. The University can thereafter apply for licenses in accordance with the methodology of CAAQA guide. He noted that the hard times caused by aggression and siege have made the educational institutions take more interest in innovation and human resource development as key factors for economic wellbeing and self-sufficiency.
For his part, Prof Tahish pointed out that Al-Nasser is looking forward to a very important goal; preparing the limitless national intellects for innovation by offering the best training for students in order to achieve the national wellbeing in variable fields.
The CAAQA Secretary General applauded the pre-application procedures of program specification by Al-Nasser University. He also admired the choice of such a national and international experienced trainer as Dr. Mohammed Esharjabi for the task of doing the specification in compliance to the latest approach.
According to Prof Omar Eshuja (Dean of Development and Quality Assurance Center at Al-Nasser University), the University is having a new experience with which new majors are to be launched to enrich the local and regional labor market with outstanding professional cadre. Paying heed to the slogan “Steady Steps towards Excellence,” the University is wholly committed to having a leading part in the local and a distinctive one in the regional markets by means of its highly qualified graduates.
The workshops’ program included a slide show by the experienced trainer, Dr. Mohammed Esharjabi, which tackled the academic program specification approach as well as reviewing the new programs’ documents by the participating experts and faculty members who came up with recommendations on each respective program.
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