Al-Nasser Football Team Won Mawlid Championship
Al-Nasser football team was crowned as the champion in the football tournament organized on the occasion of Prophet’s Birthday Commemoration. The team received the cub following the 3/1 victory against the team of University of Science and Technology in the final game they played on Wahdat-Sana’a club playground last Friday, 15 Oct 2021.
The match was held in the presence of Prof Abdullah Tahish (the Chancellor), Mr. Mohammed Elwade’I (Director of Educational Institutions at Judicial Guard Office), Mr. Murshid Elaghberi (Director of Human Resources Office and the team coach), and Mr. Khaled Elabsi (IT Specialist).
Al-Nasser team gave an excellent performance throughout the match which was so competitive. In the first half, the teams tied each other though they exchanged many attacks. It ended up with scoreless tie.
In the second half, Al-Nasser made many attacks against the opponent to score the first goal by Mohammed Jamal form a penalty kick followed by another goal. After many attempts to tie the result, University of Science and Technology could score a goal. Their cheers, however, were interrupted soon by Al-Nasser’s third goal by Mohammed Khurais. Al-Nasser team kept up its lead to the end of the match which it won by 3/1. The event was concluded with honoring the participant teams and handing the champion cub over to Al-Nasser team.
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