Al-Nasser Football Team Plays 1st Game in 4th Winter Tournament
Al-Nasser University football team played its 1st game against the team of Future University on Mon, 8 March 2021. Ending up with a 2/2 tie, the game took place within the 2nd group’s 1st round of the universities football competition organized as part of the 4th Winter Sport Tournament by Wahdat-Sana’a Club.
The match was interestingly competitive with many attacks exchanged by both teams to score. The first half ended with a 1/1 result. The goal of Al-Nasser team was scored by Sadeq Elmoujani. The same competitive spirit was maintained in the second half which ended with a 1/1 tie too; Al-Nasser’s goal was scored this time by Mohammed Khurais.
The match was held in Wahdat-Sana’a Club playground in the presence of Mr. Murshid Al-Aghberi (Director of Human Resources Office who is also in charge of sport activities) and Mr. Abdurrahman Elhamadi (the IT Technician).
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