Al-Nasser Football Team Beats Errazi and Reached Semifinals
Al-Nasser Football Team could pass to the semifinals in the universities football competition of the 4th Winter Tournament organized by Wahdat-Sana’a Club. The team could reach this position as a result of winning the game against Errazi via the tiebreakers on Thursday, 25 March 2021, at Wahdat-Sana’a Club playground.
In a competitive and exciting match, the 1st halftime ended up with Errazi team being ahead by one score. In the 2nd halftime, however, Al-Nasser increased its attacks to tie the result with Mohammed Khurais’ goal. The actual time of the match ended up with 1/1 tie.
Resorting to tiebreaker, both teams took penalty kicks which decided Al-Nasser as the winner from Mohammed Khuaris’ and Sadeq Elmoujani’s scores which turned the final result into 3/2 for Al-Nasser.
Winning the game, Al-Nasser team qualified for semifinals where it will play against 21 September team which also qualified by beating Modern Sciences.
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