Al-Nasser Football League Tournament Kicks off
Organized with the participation of the departments’ teams, Al-Nasser football league kicked off in El-Shaab Stadium last Wednesday.
The tournament opened with two games. In the first, the Pharma Final Team played against Admin Junior Team. The game ended with the victory of Admin. Team by 5-1. In the second match, the team of Pharma Sophomore scored 3-0 against Admin Sophomore.
Two football games are to be held next Thursday in which Banking Team play against Admin Freshman whereas English against Pharma Sophomore.
The football league is part of the students’ sporting and cultural program that aim to develop the physical as well as mental skills. The program including competitions in Volleyball, Table Tennis, and Chess is to be organized shortly.
إستمرار دورات طوفان الأقصى لطلاب الجامعة
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