Why Are Students Flocking To Yemen For Their Universities Studies?
Students from all over the world used to travel to the US, the UK, Singapore and Australia for their higher studies or for their bachelors degree programs. While the United Kingdom and the United States continue to be popular destinations for degree programs, one of the regions that is becoming increasingly popular for undergraduate degree programs is the Middle East.
Here are some of the important reasons why many students today prefer to do their bachelors degree programs in Yemen. The first reason is that it works out to be lot cheaper for students to do their studies in the Middle Eastern countries like Yemen. Cheap education is available in many other countries too, but students are highly discerning and they will not fall for everything but they know how to distinguish between good and mediocre education programs. Since Yemen offers economical degree options without compromising on the quality of the education, students prefer this Middle Eastern country. Further to that, universities such as Al-Nasser University are highly renowned for their practical approach to imparting knowledge because of which it is called the ‘Best Practical University in Yemen.
It is because of top universities like Al-Nasser University, Yemen is attracting a very high percentage of international students. Therefore, the first reason why students flock to Yemen for their university studies is, ‘quality education at economical prices.’
There is something very specific about Al-Nasser University in Yemen, which receives a very high percentage of international enrolments. Al-Nasser University offers students very good dual degree programs. Students that enroll for these dual degree programs enjoy double benefit. They get two degrees in four years and this certainly is a ‘crowd puller.’ You will be able to get the maximum out of your stay in Yemen by joining one of these dual degree programs.
Al-Nasser University has a tie-up with one of the world’s most popular institutions of technology, The Aptech Training Center in India to provide its university students with an excellent opportunity to earn two certificates in just four years. Students that join the bachelor’s IT degree program can specialize in one of the three mainstreams such as Networking, Database or General offered by Al-Nasser University. At the same time, these students can study at Aptech branch in Yemen, which is conveniently located within the Al-Nasser University campus and get Advanced Diploma in Software Engineering.
Dual degree program options like the one above certainly do a great deal of good to the students. The job opportunities simply doubles for these students. They save both time and money by enrolling for dual degree programs in Al-Nasser University in Yemen. These are just a few benefits that student enjoy by joining Yemen universities.
If you are planning to do your degree programs abroad, you can certainly include Yemen to the top of your list and in particular Al-Nasser University. Within four years, you will complete your degree programs with two certificates, which will have a tremendous positive impact on your career.
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