Time Management Tips For Undergraduate Degree Students
Mr. Samir Al Baghdadi
When you join accredited degree programs in Al-Nasser University, which is the most preferred practical university in Yemen, you should manage your time effectively so that you can get the best out of your bachelor’s degree programs. Most of the students that join undergraduate degree programs sooner are later feel exhausted and their level of motivation droops down which in turn affects their performance.
You will be able to save yourself from such issues, if you practice good time management strategies. You should set clear weekly and monthly goals for yourself. This will help you work towards some tangible results, which will give you a constant sense of satisfaction on daily, weekly and monthly basis. You will not lose interest in your studies easily because you will be achieving a lot of interesting goals.
You will need to set short term and long term goals. Short term goals can be something like finishing your course work and other work within a specific time so that you can submit your work on time without any glitches. Long term goals will be to complete an additional degree or complete some additional qualifying course during the graduation period itself. This will help you make the best use of your time. When you are busy achieving your goals, you are less likely to get into other undesirable habits and issues. Alternatively, you can consider joining dual degree programs offered by universities like Al-Nasser University, Yemen. When you join dual degree programs, you will be spending altogether only four years but by the end of the year, you will have two certificates. Check out your options for dual degree programs at Al-Nasser University and make effective use of your time.
One of the tools that will help you stick to your goals and timetable is a to-do list. A to-do list is nothing but a breakdown of a complex task into smaller achievable task. If you create a detailed to-do list you will be able to accomplish even a huge task easily in the most efficient way. Your to-do list should be organized in terms of priority and in terms of things that can be done together to save time. For example, if you want to do your weekly shopping and also purchase some books for your coursework, you should club these two activities on a single trip so that you will be able to save a trip, time and money.
Follow daily timetable and have your entire day time tagged so that you know what exactly you should be doing at any given point of time. You will be surprised to see how you can easily accomplish so much within a given time. You will have to be committed to following your time table and if you do not, you should feel guilty about it. Such an approach to time management will make you a more efficient student. Make sure that you have time for fun and entertainment in your daily timetable.
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