The Use of Analytics in Supporting Institutional Outcomes
Dr. Mohammed Al Muhtadi
It is considerable that information and data are key assets of a business, mainly because they could be used in every single business activity performed in the organization. It is most important in making better decisions. Scientific-based transformation of data into useful insight for making better decision is called analytics. Data analytics refers to a process of reviewing large amounts of raw and unorganized data to identify patterns or trends that will help organizations better understand behavior and outcomes. In order to utilize the raw data, these must then be collected, organized, analyzed and understood based on the context in which it was collected. Data analytics provides opportunities for business intelligence that provides the foundation for organizational strategies.
Organizational transformation is likely more effective when management knows how to capitalize the powers of analytics when it comes to decision making. Decision makers likely are challenged with high volume of raw data. The digital information of business has inputs on organizations to become more effective in their reactions to market shifts and to shorten the time to market for new products and services. The use of analytics in decision making likely aids in managing operations and improving output levels based on real-time decision.
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