Online education or On-Campus Education
Mr. Samir Al Baghdadi
The majority of careers require applicants to have a college degree, however, for many people going to college can be time consuming and expensive. However, for many people having the on campus college experience is irreplaceable. Fortunately, modern technology has made it possible for those who are not able to physically attend college earn their degree online. So, is it better to earn a degree by attending an on-campus college or with an online college? Both an online college and an on-campus college have their advantages and disadvantages.
Flexibility is one of the primary advantages of earning a college degree online. Online students have the option of studying and taking exams on their time, which is beneficial for those who are working full-time and/or raising a family. When registering for online classes, you simply select the course. You do not have to sort through several class options to find one that fits in your schedule.
Social Interactions
One of the best things about attending college on campus, is the sense of belonging many students experience. College campuses used to have the advantage of on campus libraries, cafeterias and clubs for students to meet for study groups or socialization. Online colleges now provide students access to campus libraries through online services as well as class forums that give students the opportunity to “chat” with other students. If you opt for an online education, it is often helpful to seek out other students who live near you, so you can join or create study groups and just get together for socialization. Many students prefer to discuss class projects with other students, which is an advantage of on-campus colleges, but with the availabltiy of video chat and forums, online students will have access to student-to-student discussions.
Many people find that they are better organized when attending an on-campus college. All of the courses have specific class times, assignments are due on specific days and exams dates are scheduled. When the schedule is planned out for you, it makes it easier for many people to know what has to be done and when. Whereas, when taking online courses, you simply log in where ever and whenever you are ready to gather assignments or take an exam. For some not having a set schedule makes it difficult to complete the assigned tasks, because it is easy to think you will do the assignment later and before you know it, the project is due. If you prefer to get an online education, it is important to create a schedule and follow it as close as possible. Organization is vital to a successful education, so as an online student it is important to stay on top of your assignments.
The cost of tuition depends on the college you opt to attend, whether online or on-campus. However, there are several budget benefits with online college, such as you will not have to pay for commuting to and from class, there are no dorm fees and meals can be eaten at home. The actual cost of tuition can be slightly higher from some online colleges and in some situations you cannot get financial assistance for an online college. If you need to apply for grants, loans or student work programs, it is important to verify the online college you are applying to is a qualifying school for government tuition assistance. If you choose to attend an on-campus college, it is important to meet with a financial guidance counselor to discuss all of your options as well as for assistance in applying for grants or loans.
Both online and on-campus colleges will provide you with the education required to have the career of your dreams. When choosing which type of learning is best suited for you, it is important to take your time in making the decision and consider the advantages and disadvantages of both choices. If you are considering an online college, carefully review the schools website to make sure the school provides accredited programs, consider the ease of their website and make sure the school offers students access to extensive libraries, forums and study aids. If you are not sure which option is the best suited for you needs, consider registering at a local community college and take at least one class on-campus and one class online to help you determine which you prefer.
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