How To Select The Right Undergraduate Degree Program?
By Nora Al Baghdadi
Education is not just to make you employable; the role of the education goes much beyond that. Education should equip you to be a successful human person. Job or career is just one of the aspects of being successful in life. Therefore, you should not narrow down your entire life to your job or career. In other words, education should prepare you for a good life. Your undergraduate study is a very crucial part of this preparation. You are therefore likely to be confused when it comes to selecting the right undergraduate degree programs.
Yemen offers excellent options for those who like to do their undergraduate degree programs. You can choose from courses such as Bachelor of Pharmacology, Bachelor of Nursing, Business & Finance studies, IT & Computer Sciences studies, Engineering & Computer Sciences, Bachelor of Health & Society, Bachelor of Medical Laboratory and from numerous other bachelors degree programs. How to narrow down your bachelors degree programs when there are so many options?
Firstly, you should identify your own interests. What are the things that make you come alive? Your undergraduate degree program sets the direction in which your life is likely to move. In other words, what you are likely to do all your life will depend very much on the undergraduate degree programs that you are likely to be selecting. It is therefore important that you choose something that you like. This will help you identify the general direction in which you would like to travel. For example, you might have special interests in the field of medicine. There are hundreds of options within the field of medicine. The second step therefore is to identify the specific course that you would like to do. In most cases, this is where students are likely to face confusions. Very few students know exactly that they want to do. So if you are faced with confusions here do not worry you are not alone. You need to review the job market in chosen field. The degree program that you select should give you good job opportunities. You will have to remember that job trends will keep changing, you need to therefore look at areas that have evergreen career prospectus. You should also identify programs that will leave you with multiple options at least when you are in the undergraduate level. As you move further up the ladder, you can look at specialization options. However, if you want to get a good start, look for courses that will leave you with multiple options. When you finish your course, you will be able to again reconsider specifically which field to choose.
You should not however select your bachelors degree program just because they have good job opportunities. You will be successfully completing your degree program only when you have at least some basic interest in the course in which you are enrolling. You should also make sure that the undergraduate degree program in which you would like to enroll is offered by reputed universities.
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