How to Plan Your Finances While Joining Your Undergraduate Degree Program?
Mr. Samir Al Baghdadi
If you want to complete your undergraduate degree program in Yemen smoothly without any glitches, you need to carefully plan your finances. One of the reasons why a good percentage of students fail to successfully complete their degree programs is poor financial planning. You too should not succumb to such follies when you are joining your undergraduate degree program in Yemen.
Here are few important factors that you need to pay attention to when you are joining a university for your accredited undergraduate degree program. The major expense that you are likely to face during this phase of life is your college fee or tuition fee. When you are budgeting for your Business and Finance course, it is not enough that you take into account just the tuition fee into account there are number of other expenses that you should take into account.
You will be required to spend money on the books for your course. You will need reference materials for your class work and it will contribute towards a major portion of your expenses all through the four years. In case, you are joining dual degree programs at Al-Nasser University, you will be required to invest on more books as you will be doing two different courses within that four-year period.
You are also likely to have insurance expenses and medical expenses. So put aside some money for these needs as well so that you have your own little resource to turn to. It is best not to get into the habit of using credit cards during this phase. If you use credit cards and if you happen to default on your payments, it will prove to be a huge financial burden on you, which will affect your performance at the university.
If you select universities that charge reasonable tuition fee, you will have money for all the other needs too. A considerable portion of your budget will go on to your accommodation expenses. You can reduce the expenses on your accommodation by going for shared accommodation options. You may have to compromise on your privacy if you want to keep your budget under control.
Al-Nasser University is one of the reasonably priced universities in Yemen. This is also one of the most reputed institutions in the region. Al-Nasser University uses practical approach in all its courses and it has earned the title as the best practical university in Yemen. Despite offering excellent bachelor’s degree programs and impressive infrastructure, Al-Nasser University is one of the most affordable universities in Yemen.
This university is also very popular for its dual degree programs. Al-Nasser University operates in collaboration with Aptech India, which is one of the most popular IT institutes. When you join the Bachelor of Information Technology program, you get a chance to save a lot of money because you can complete two degrees within the same period as one. You need not have to double the expenses to get two degrees.
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