How Remain Focused All Through Your Undergraduate Degree Program?
Mr. Samir Al Baghdadi
One of the problems that many students face when they join undergraduate degree programs is the challenges in remaining focused. Initially, there will be a great interest among the students on their new courses. However, after a period of time, this interest gradually wanes out. Such a waning out of interest can have number of undesirable outcomes. Some students will stop doing well in their studies due to lack of interest and others may think of switching to a different university because they are no more interested in the course while others would quit completely. Only a small percentage of students go through the entire course with the same level of commitment and enthusiasm. How to save yourself from losing interest in your degree program?
Bachelors degree programs that last for four years can prove to be a real long span of window for someone to lose interest. Your university has a very important role to play in eliciting the interest of the students and in retaining the interest at the same high level all through the course. This is where selecting the best university becomes very important.
Universities that make use of practical approach to delivering their courses tend to score high in terms of student retention. Students prefer practical approach to learning as opposed to theoretical approach. One of the universities in Yemen that has set its own standards in practical teaching approaches is the Al-Nasser University, the Best Practical University of Yemen. Students that join Al-Nasser University leave loads of positive feedback about this practical university. Not many universities in the region manage to match up to the standard of education offered by this practical university. Every year the number of enrolments at Al-Nasser University continues to increase. Added to that, Al-Nasser has the highest ratio of students passing out every year. Even international students from different parts of the world come to Al-Nasser for completing their undergraduate degree programs.
The next important factor that will help you remain focused in your bachelors degree program is the choice of your course. If you select an undergraduate degree program that you like, you are very likely to remain focused. You will lose interest only when you fail to select courses that you like. Many students pick their courses randomly without matching the course with their aptitude and interest. Stay away from such an approach and do your share of research before selecting your course. You should also make a job market research to know what types of courses will get you high paying jobs.
Additionally, you should also learn to balance your college life with recreational activities. While it important to give importance to your studies, you should also take your weekends seriously. Most of the problems here will be resolved by selecting the best universities where you will enjoy good educational system as well as good extracurricular activities that will keep your campus life interesting. Your college days are to be cherished as they help you build a colorful future.
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