Diversified Career Opportunities For Medical Laboratory Graduates
By Nora Al Baghdadi
One of the questions that you are likely to have when you are enrolling for your medical laboratory graduate degree is what kind of job opportunities will be waiting for you once you are out of the college. One may hold several degrees but securing a degree just for the sake of degree is of no use. What could be the fun in becoming a doctor, nurse, dentist, pharmacologist or a medical laboratory scientist if you cannot practice or if you cannot have a bright career out of your studies? Your concerns about your career are therefore very legitimate. You should first find out what kind of jobs your Bachelor of Medical Laboratory degree can get you before rushing to join a college. When you know the job opportunities or career opportunities for medical laboratory graduates, you will be able to make better decisions. Let us look at the various things that you can do after your Medical Laboratory undergraduate degree program.
You can set up a laboratory in the community that will provide support to the general practitioners in your area. There is always a great demand for Medical Labs in any given community. Setting up a private medical testing laboratory however will require sizeable investment as the equipment required can prove to be expensive. However, if you have the investment capacity, you will be able to run your own lab and be your own boss.
Alternatively, you can join a medical laboratory within a hospital. Most of the hospitals have their own medical laboratories to process the testing needs of their own patients. The hospital management itself will own these laboratories in most cases or at times, it will run by a different management on contract but within the hospital premises operating exclusively for the hospital needs. You can be part of one such hospital testing lab team.
One of the areas that is not been fully explored is forensic biology. You can venture into forensics after your Bachelor of Medical Laboratory degree. As a forensic biologist, you will develop forensic reports. Besides the above job categories, you can also work as a laboratory consultant or laboratory advisor.
One of the best ways to find out what job opportunities that you are likely to have after your graduation in Medical Laboratory Science, is to sign up for a free account in job sites. You will get notifications when new jobs in the chosen category are posted. This will help you keep yourself up to date with the job trends in your own field. As a medical laboratory scientist, you will be able to get decent salaries.
Besides the above career paths, you can also get into research field if you love to contribute to the field of medicine in a positive way through your discoveries and inventions. This is a very challenging field and you are likely to have excellent job opportunities. The scope for medical laboratory science is only likely to travel in the positive direction. You can therefore enroll for your Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science confidently at Al-Nasser University, one of the best practical learning institutions in Yemen.
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