Al-Nasser Football Team Gearing up for Private Universities League Championship
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Al-Nasser University’s football team is gearing up for the eleventh competition of private universities league championship. Organized annually by University of Science and Technology, the football competition is to kick off next Monday
Receiving an intensive training at Almuraysi Stadium, Al-Nasser team has undergone two training sessions this morning in the presence of Director of Personnel and Sports Supervisor, Murshid Al-Aghberi.
In the course of preparations for the tournament, the team plays two friendly games; one against the University of Science and Technology Friday afternoon and the other against the Public Electricity Corporation Saturday morning .
In the opening game kicking off next Monday, the University of Science and Technology plays against Yemeni University in the presence of Sheikh Ahmed Issa, Chairman of the Yemeni Football Federation.
The teams participating in the competition are divided into four groups. Al-Nasser team comes in the second group along with the Sports Education of Sana’a University and Sports University teams.
The University’s team coach, Captain Mutlaq Alsaydi ( a former player of 22 May team), stated out that Al-Nasser University team aspires to win this championship, especially after seven qualified players and the brilliant goalkeeper Hamza Oqbah have been added to the football squad .
It is noteworthy that the tournament is held for the 11th time. The last champion title was garnered by the University of Science and Technology team as it won against the team of Yemeni University.
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