Al-Nasser Football Team Beats Essaidah 5/0 in 5th Winter Tournament
Al-Nasser football team initiated its 1st game in the 5th Winter Tournament with a valuable victory (5/0) against Essaidah University team. Taking place as part of the universities football heptathlon, the match was held on Wahdat-Sana’a Club playground on Sun, 30 Jan 2022.
From the early moments, Al-Nasser team was in control of game. Its 1st goal was scored by Ihab Kamel at the 5th minute of the 1st halftime. During the 2nd halftime, Al-Nasser increased its attacks against Essaidah till a goal was scored by Mohammed Khurais at the 9th minute. A third goal was scored at the 11th minute by Ihab Kamel and then a 4th one by Yosuf Errai’ at the 17th minute. Soon after at the 18th minute, a 5th goal was scored by Mohammed Khurais. The game ended with 5/0 result for Al-Nasser.
The game took place in the presence of Mr. Ameen Juma’n, Manager of Wahdat-Sana’a Club, Mr. Murshid Al-Aghberi, Director of HR Office who is also in charge of sports activities, and Mr. Khaled Elabsi, the IT Specialist.
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الأثنين الـ 29 جماد الثاني 1446هـ الموافق 30 دي...نظمت جامعة الناصر اليوم الاثنين 29 / 6 / 1446 هـ ، الموافق 30 / 12 / 2024م ، وقفة تضامنية مع الشعب الفلسطيني تحت عنوان ” ثابتون مع غزة العزة… بلا سقف ولا خطوط حمراء ” .
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